Please BEAR with us… the website is just like all of us, a work in progress!

To contact any staff members, please reach out to the church office at (575) 526-5559.

Rev. Dr. Norm Story – Senior Minister

Coming originally from the business world and having served in North Carolina before this, Rev. Dr. Story felt a deep call to ministry. We are delighted to have him as our spiritual leader as he week-in-week-out combines thorough scholarship with an abiding love for others. 

Rev. Nick Koontz – Director of Family Ministries

Ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Nick serves with us a the director of family ministries. He went to college at UNM before attending seminary in Texas and serving a few churches as their senior minister. He likes music, woodworking, and his dog Joby. 

Pyong San Yu – Pastor of Korean Congregation

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Dr. Janet Loman – College / Young Adult Minister

A skilled organist and all-around great friend, Dr. Janet Loman hosts our college and young adult group. She also helps lead worship most weeks.

Beth Thomas – Director of Music

Whether its handbells, choir and vocals, drums, or one of the various instruments used in service throughout the year; Beth Thomas brings glory to God each week through musical performances. 

Dr. Howard Smolleck – Organist

Howard would never tell you this himself but he is a masterful organist. Week after week, he knocks it out of the park and makes us proud to call this church and its pipe organ our home. 

Karen Candusso – Salt & Light Director

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Judi Ferguson – Child Care Provider

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Rusty Smith – Maintenance

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Cat Munoz – Bookkeeper

Born and raised in Deming, NM, Cat comes from a close-knit family with one older brother. She earned a BA and MA in accounting from New Mexico State University, where she works as an Accounting and Reporting Manager. After hours, she spends time with her daughter and goes on hikes with her family.

Veronica Giron – Secretary

Veronica Giron is the first voice you hear when you call the church’s front office. She was born in Las Cruces to a close-knit Mexican family of three boys and one girl. She describes herself as family-oriented and enjoys being a grandmother at 42. Her father owned several businesses in Doña Ana County, and El Taco Mexicano was one of those companies where Veronica worked from childhood for 15 years. Her outgoing personality has been an asset in working productively with other staff members, such as Dr. Janet Loman and Rev. Nick Koontz. One of her duties is to ensure the sanctuary is prepared for Sunday’s service, which she assists Pastor Story in completing. Lastly, she is blind in her left eye, a disability she has never let hinder her enjoyment of life.